"Light is the task when many
share the toil.

— Homer, The Illiad

"We must hang together, or we
shall surely hang separately.

— Benjamin Franklin, 1776

Glyph of Deer or Antelope






Your contributions will help fund research into Sahara Mustard control methods and support teams of "mustard busters" who are reclaiming the desert from incursions of Sahara Mustard. Any amount of donation is helpful! Thank you!

For additional information about donations, click here.


Everyone can greatly assist efforts to eliminate Sahara Mustard simply by educating themselves about this ecological disaster and by bringing Sahara Mustard to the attention of family, friends, news media, and local officials. The more Sahara Mustard is discussed, in the news, and on the desks of County, State and Federal agencies as a serious public concern, the more likely it becomes that action will be taken to protect the desert. In these difficult economic times, it is a challenge to obtain funds for "weed eradication;" however, the need for an immediate and comprehensive Sahara Mustard eradication program is urgent. Help spread the word and stay informed. Knowledge is a powerful and persuasive tool. Together, we can raise the alarm and be a part of the solution!


TCDC operates with an all-volunteer Board of Directors. Volunteers are the passionate heart and soul of effective grassroots action! Please join us by volunteering your time, special skills, and/or physical labor. Together, we can beat back Sahara Mustard and protect the Anza-Borrego Desert!

In addition to joining a "mustard busting" crew to clear the desert by hand-pulling and bagging mustard, please contact TCDC if you are able to donate your expertise in the following categories or wish to explore assisting TCDC in some other way.

Tubb Canyon Desert Conservancy
8899 University Center Lane, #170
San Diego, California 92122
Contact Us


Adopt a stretch of roadway or patch of wildflowers infested Sahara Mustard and become its Desert Guardian. Clear that land of Sahara Mustard. Make it a family project. Or, organize friends, neighbors, your business, church or club to clear that land. Monitor it in future years to keep it clear of mustard. Use the TCDC Mustard Map App to let us know about your project, its location and scope. It's fun and easy! With your help, with community and visitor participation, the Anza-Borrego Desert can be mapped and systematically cleared of Sahara Mustard one backyard, parcel, roadside, scenic turnout and wildflower field at a time!

Click here with your Mobile Phone to
launch the TCDC Mustard Map App.

Wish List:

TCDC would appreciate donations of the following items and equipment in support of our Sahara Mustard eradication efforts. If you can provide, or purchase, any of the following, please contact us!